WEEK 4 REACTION | Jets embarrass themselves vs Broncos, 10-9

September 30, 2024 01:06:07
WEEK 4 REACTION | Jets embarrass themselves vs Broncos, 10-9
Just Jets: The Podcast
WEEK 4 REACTION | Jets embarrass themselves vs Broncos, 10-9

Sep 30 2024 | 01:06:07


Show Notes

In this episode, a frustrated Rich & Ras react to and recap the Jets awful loss to the Broncos headlined by massive coaching issues, the struggles of Breece Hall & Garrett Wilson, and more.

Plus, thoughts on their Week 5 match-up vs the undefeated Vikings.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Snap. Hennessey, hold. Morstead, 50 yarder. No good. [00:00:06] Speaker B: God damn it. [00:00:09] Speaker A: Jesus fucking Christ. [00:00:12] Speaker B: Three, two, one. [00:00:14] Speaker C: Here we go. [00:00:17] Speaker A: Yep. Yes. That is exactly how we are all feeling right now. I am your host, Roscavara, along with the saddest man in Washington, heist, Richard McLeod. How you doing, buddy? [00:00:33] Speaker B: Bad. I'm doing bad. For those who just heard our clip to start the podcast off. That's my uncle. Shout out to Uncle Scott and my cousin, who listened to this podcast and recorded that our family's been kind of known for those Uncle Scott reactions over the years. Was hoping there weren't going to be that many this year, but here we are after, in my opinion, the worst loss of the Robert Sala era. And it's not even close. [00:01:04] Speaker A: I mean, Uncle Scott, you are not. You're not alone. I'm pretty sure that reaction was had all over every household that is miserable enough to root for the New York jets. But, you know, let's just jump right into it. Welcome to the Just jets podcast, I guess powered by RCG Digital media. Listen, we are miserable. We are not in a good state of mind. I agree with you. It's probably the worst loss of the Salah era. Just a complete and utter vibe shift. But before we get started, let's just bring in our executive producer so we can kind of go through our instant reactions. Mark, why don't you just jump right in, join the miserable. Do I have to feelings depression circle that we are about to embark on this episode? But let's just start with you, Rich. Tell me. I mean, what's going through your head right now? [00:02:04] Speaker B: Misery. I'm honestly, more than anything, I feel angry at myself because I came into this game in the podcasts that we've done leading up to this. And the newsletter that came out the morning of the game saying, like, okay, that Patriot game allowed me to, like, not stress. And we've turned the page, and this team doesn't play down to their opponents anymore. And they beat the bad teams. And the jets basically said, like, go fuck yourself in this awful, awful, awful performance. No, like, other than the three guys that we pick for the game balls, and we're quite literally the only three guys who you could even pick for game balls this week. Every single player, even the quarterback, was bad today. Yeah, the offense sucked. The coaching was awful, and we will get into that. The defense, even. Yeah, they gave up ten points, but they. They let Bo nicks on two drives, go down the field, specifically on a third down, and let their best receiver and maybe their only good receiver be wide open in the end zone with no one within ten yards of him to catch. The only touchdown a game. It is. It's just an awful loss. And I have to say, the most expected missed field goal in the final minute of a game that has ever happened. [00:03:34] Speaker A: Oh, you've called it. You called it right before. He's like, oh, of course he's gonna miss this. And, yeah, I mean, it's. It's. It's brutal, dude. Everything. You're right. Everything sucked from the weather, from the crowd. There was a ton of broncos jerseys. For some reason, I guess people weren't coming out to the game. It was just a complete and utter vibe shift from. From Thursday. Uh, but, but, mark, tell me, tell me, man. Like, what's, uh, what's going through your lovely mind right now? [00:03:59] Speaker C: Uh, everything about this game screams New York Jets 2023. Uh, it seemed like every game last year, the weather was brutal. It seemed like every game last year. The defense played well enough but gave up that one bad drive. The offense couldn't put up a touchdown. It was. It was literally like, we've rolled back the clock a year. Uh, the only difference being that we had Aaron Rodgers, who almost gave us a chance to. But I mean, Zach Wilson, I joked in the newsletter, Zach Wilson, revenge game. This is not. But it kind of seems like it is, because this was the. The game that the jets had every game last season. [00:04:41] Speaker A: I mean, I guarantee. I guarantee you he had a grin on the sideline. I guarantee you he had a grin on the sideline, and he was enjoying every minute of it. Every minute of it. He had a. He, like, it's just brutal, man. It's just brutal. He's probably thinking, like, you thought I was the problem. Yes, Zach, you were still the problem. This game was bad, but you were still the problem. And like Rich said earlier, it's tough. It's even tough to look for several linings. It's tough to look for good performances in this miserable shit show of a game. Not only mark, it didn't just echoes of 2023. It's fucking the entire. My entire jets and has been similar to this. Just let down after letdown, after letdown. And it's just. I hate to use the jets, you know, same old jets kind of tagline, but it fucking was reeking of that shit today. Um, the crowd was fucking, like, weird. Like, nothing felt the way it felt. Like on Thursday, the vibe was bad. [00:05:42] Speaker B: Like, the second the game starts and they. Their first drive is three plays negative eight yards and a punt, you're just like, ooh. It was basically the opposite of how the Patriot game started. I know they didn't score on that opening drive, but you could just tell they were clicking that day. [00:06:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:00] Speaker B: And one other thing, before we move on into the meat of the show, I understand that the weather was bad. Are the jets the only. Are the jets the first team that has ever played in the fucking rain? Like, everything, you know. Oh, the play calling is conservative. [00:06:18] Speaker D: Oh. [00:06:18] Speaker B: Like, nobody can hold on to the ball. Nobody can make a play. It rains all the time in these games. That one for the jets, they, like Mark said, they played in basically on nothing but rain games. What feels like the last five years. [00:06:34] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:06:35] Speaker B: But, you know, other than the dome stadiums pretty much reigns throughout all the year. And it only seems like the Jet games are the ones that are like, oh, six nothing and ten to nine and historic lows in the stats. Like, I don't want to use that as an excuse. I'm so tired of it. It's not like they played in a blizzard. It was raining. Like, I just had, like, it just pisses me off. [00:07:00] Speaker A: Oh, I'm with you, man. I'm with you. I. Listen, I don't know. I am not an NFL coach. I am not, you know, a smart man by any means, but, you know, when the weather's shitty, you know, maybe you don't start the game off with three straight passes, and maybe your wide receiver, who's wide receiver one maybe wears gloves to start the game off. Maybe. I don't know. That's just me. But that being said, rich, who are you awarding the coveted Rich McLeod game ball from? From this game? Can, you know, as many as much as you want. Do not give it to a bronco. [00:07:41] Speaker B: I mean, I don't think any of them deserve it either. Maybe some of. Maybe they. Some of their rushers, but on defense, that's about it. But, yeah, kind of slim pickings. But I benefit from getting to pick first. So I picked the only one that I feel like is obvious, which is DJ Reed pretty much right from the get go. He was breaking up, you know, the handful of wobbly, deep passes that Bo Nick's through. And I think the big thing on that is it's low key. Kind of hard to. When you're trying to break up a deep ball that's so badly under thrown because a lot of times you get those bogus pass interference calls because they're so under thrown. He did a good job around that. And he made a pivotal pass breakup on what was really the Broncos last drive of the game where they missed that field goal that gave the Jets a chance. Should have led to the jets winning the game. That was a really great play. Made a lot of tackles in this game. He was really, really good. That Broncos sort of tried to challenge him, at least more than sauce and Reed pretty much stopped everything that they threw at him. [00:08:45] Speaker A: No, he definitely was way more active and they were definitely particularly targeting him early on. And he did play a decent game. What about you, Mister Levine? Who are you? Who are you awarding your coveted game ball to? [00:08:59] Speaker C: Definitely no one. On offense. My guy is going to be Quincy Williams. [00:09:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:09:07] Speaker C: He had three defensive stops in the run game, two tackles for a loss. He had two pass defenses which combined for a loss of 1 yd. He had that huge hit for the fumble on Tyler bidet which then the offense goes, gets the pass interference penalty to the 1 yd line, can't score and touchdown. Why you would keep breeze hall in the whole time when you have Braylon Allen, that's a topic for a different quarter. But my guy this, this week is going to be Quincy Williams. [00:09:38] Speaker A: Quincy Williams is one of the hardest tacklers in the NFL. And like, when he hits you, he hits you, dude. It's like you stay hit. I mean, you saw with a bidet the running back for the broncos. Like he, he took a shot to the back and he collapsed on the sideline and they had to be carted out. I mean, you don't want to ever see anybody get hurt. But that's the type of player that Quincy Williams is. He, he is fun to watch, but you don't, you expect to be saying that out of this game. Nobody was fun to watch. Once you lose, everything sucks. But my game ball is going to Braylon Allen. Braylon Allen. I, it's not his fault that he's not getting used properly. It's not his fault that the coaching staff does not, does not recognize what they have in this man. I mean, they still have him in kickoffs and punt returns. They still have him in special teams. Like, I, it just boggles my mind that a kid can demonstrate that he is strong enough to continue moving after, you know, after being, you know, first point of contact. You still drive players backwards. You know, he only had eight carries for 34 yards, but it was a four, you, you know, a little over four yards per carry. Yeah, he, his only target he caught it is, he's stellar in pass protection as always. And, and it's just not his fault that he's not being utilized. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, he's excited to watch. He runs really, really hard and it's just, you want to see more of him. You want to see more of him. And it sucks that, you know, it sucks that we, we don't get to see it. But I. My game ball goes to him today. [00:11:12] Speaker C: By the way, you say Braylon Allen only had just over four yards of carry. Breece hall had 0.4 yards of carry. Just for frame of reference there. [00:11:23] Speaker A: Oh, my lord Jesus. So, I mean, listen, we just, you know, talked about, like, the thing that this coaching staff is unable to do and it's just recognize in the moment who is having success and who is not. And that is a perfect segue into our 1st, 1st topic of the game, which is the atrocious, the horrendous coaching that took place in this game. Oh, let's just, I guess, begrudgingly jump right into the first quarter. Thank you, Mark, for that. Rich, again, man. Listen, you said it at the very top. This is probably the worst game in the Robert Salah era, basically because of the expectations, right? Because of the apparent discrepancy talent between the Broncos and us. But tell me, tell me, what are your impressions of the coaching staffs effort today? [00:12:33] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, you hit the nail on the head. It's, it's the worst loss in this coaching staff's regime because of the expectation. Like we, we've watched this game, yeah, 15 times in the last four years. You know, that's nothing new. But for this game to happen with Aaron Rodgers, actually, as a quarter, like this is not supposed to happen anymore. Big theme of my newsletter coming out of this game is like we were told, I, it wasn't going to look like that anymore. And it looked and felt a hell of a lot similar as it has over the last several years. And it's disappointing. But I think week one, I think we were disappointed and sad. But after this game, it's anger, it's vitriol because you went into this season and the one thing other than health, which every team worries about is, is the coaching staff bad enough where it could get in the way of where this team is going? [00:13:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:13:34] Speaker B: And this, I, in my opinion, this is the first time that, like, the coaching staff was why they lost a football game. Obviously, the players were all bad as well, but they were completely unprepared on offense, defensively in the third quarter. They were not good overall in the whole game. They were, they were effective and giving up ten points should be enough to win in any game. And you know, Robert Salah, after today, the jets are now one and eight under Robert Salah in games where they had extra rest. So coming off a Thursday night game or a bye week, that is atrocious. I don't know what this coaching staff does every week. What the hell were they doing the last ten days? Beats me. And one last thing, specifically on Hackett. You know, I've criticized him before. I think I've already said you can't spell Hackett without hack. And today I thought was his worst play calling game of the year. After two encouraging ones, they really abandoned everything that worked for them in the Titans and the Patriots win. The Patriots win. It was that like quick passing attack that they really like early on in this game. They didn't try to do other than that first drive. And that first drive was kind of just blown up from a sack. But then it was just kind of like run, run, pass, run, run, pass. And the two two receiver set or the two back set that they were running against the Titans didn't run it at all against the Patriots. I don't think I saw it a single time today either. Again, yeah, I know the weather was a factor, but to not even try it, I thought was really bizarre. Like reset wide and have Allen in the backfield, I don't remember seeing that very much, if at all. And Mark alluded to it in our instant reactions. But the worst sequence of this entire game, the jets get the ball at the 1 yd line. They're gifted that opportunity because on a kind of like desperation heave to the end zone, Alan Lazar draws pass interference. And at this point, breeze hall, I believe, still has negative yards in the game. He was getting blown up in every play and pretty much every time he touched the ball, instantly going down, as opposed to the Broncos always kind of falling forward. We've talked about this in the Niners game, so he was having a really hard time. I would have instantly put Braylon Allen in on that opportunity. Yeah, they want to give hall shot. Fine gets blown up on the first play, can't squeeze through, get to the end zone, second down, same situation I would have put in Allen at that point. They keep calling again. He gets hit, he tries to spin, can't get in. Third down. Jets then had quite a while to prepare for this third down play because the quarter ended and then the break was extended because of that Bronco running back getting carted off the field or off of the sideline. So they really had like a good five plus minutes to drop this play. They finally bring in Braylon Allen. I'm like, okay, here we go. They have Solomon Thomas as the fullback, which they did once against the Patriots. They had done on the first down play of this possession. And instead of giving the ball to Braylon Allen, they throw it. And what is even worse than that is they threw it to fucking Solomon Thomas, a defensive tackle. [00:17:08] Speaker A: Yes. [00:17:09] Speaker B: It's obviously incomplete. Rodgers didn't have anything because the Broncos didn't bite. So he was covered. Obviously, he's not going to catch a contested ball. So Rogers just kind of tossed out of bounds. They go to go for it on fourth down, and here's a fucking surprise. False start. They have to kick the field goal. That was the worst sequence of the entire game. That is entirely Nathaniel Hackett. And it was just a microcosm of the entire game on both sides of the ball. It was just awful. [00:17:38] Speaker A: That is, uh, that is the moment of the game where I was like, oh, shit. You know, we were up six, nothing going into the half. But that series, not being able to punch it in from the one, outsmarting ourselves. Right. You mentioned Solomon Thomas coming into the game. Solomon Thomas comes into the game, he's your full back in the first 1st attempt, stuffed, no gain. Then you move him from behind center. You move him to the, to the strong side. I was like, oh, okay, great. Now we're going to impose our will. We're going to run into the, the heavy side of the formation. No, we outsmart ourselves. Like, oh, we're going to run away from the heavy side. Despite that, we have our tight end and Solomon Thomas playing fullback on the strong side. We're gonna go try to fool them. Instead of punching it in their, in the mouth, instead of punching it in, we're gonna try to fool them on a counter to the weak side. No, they did not bite. And they sniffed it out and stuffed breeze again. And like you said, they bring in Braylon. And the entire stadium knew that they were trying something funny with Solomon Thomas. They, the entire stadium knew that. And I'm like, I was at the game when I tell my wife is like, they're gonna fucking outsmart themselves. They're gonna do, try to do something cute and sure enough, little rollout. No, nobody bites. The Broncos have a good defense. Unlike the jets. They're well coached. Sean Payton, Van Joseph, they're well coached. They stay home. They stayed home the entire game. And that, that, like, you hit the nail right on the head. That was an. In a microcosm of the entire game. And we got to talk about the penalties, too, because penalties always are, always are, always are always a coaching issue. Right. And after the game, they talked about the false start penalties. The jets were penalized 15 times, 13 accepted for 90 yards. But Aaron, they asked Aaron Rogers about the penalties, and I actually want to play something for you and tell me what you think about this. [00:19:46] Speaker B: The cadence, specifically, Robert said that might be something you guys have to dial back a little bit. Is that something you think could potentially help the situation? [00:19:54] Speaker E: It's one way to do it. The other way is hold them accountable. I mean, we haven't had an issue. We've had one false start. Morgan had one false start, I believe, until this. So, you know, it's been a weapon. We use it every day in practice. We don't, you know, we rarely have a false start. And to have, I don't know, five today, it seemed like four or five. Yeah, that seems like an outlier. I don't know if we need to make mass changes based on, you know, kind of an outlier game. [00:20:25] Speaker A: That's your quarterback. [00:20:27] Speaker B: That's really embarrassing for Robert. Sal, I'm sorry to cut you off, but. [00:20:31] Speaker A: Yep. No, no, that's exactly where I see this after. [00:20:34] Speaker B: I didn't see this after the game. That clip of him, uh, was writing the newsletter and had it on in the background. But, I mean, that is really embarrassing for the coach, who is often criticized for being too nice, maybe being a bit of a pushover for him to come out of this game. And one of the things he says is like, oh, maybe it's too complicated. Maybe it's too hard for the other guys, and then have the quarterback instantly contradict you and be like, no, let's hold the players accountable. That's really. That's really embarrassing. [00:21:07] Speaker A: I mean, that's. That. That is exactly where I was going with this. Like, not being on the same page with your quarterback and attempting to just pull an answer out of thin air. Right. Because if you. You think it's the cadence, like, wouldn't that be something that you would address during the week in practice? If you think that is the source of the issue, wouldn't that be something that you talk about? Like, do you not speak to your players on the sideline? Like, are they, like, insulated in a bubble and you can't get to them and ask them questions? Are you not the head coach of this football team? And, I mean, listen, the coaching is. It just baffles me week to week, every time he goes up to the podium, I am embarrassed. I am embarrassed to be a Jets fan because he always just says the most asinine things. He never says the right things. He always puts his foot in his mouth. It's just, it's just confusing, mandy, like, it's just confusing. Confusing and frustrating. [00:22:03] Speaker B: And yeah, if I have to hear Robert Sala say the same things after every loss where it's like, oh, we have to look at this. [00:22:13] Speaker A: Oh, dude. [00:22:13] Speaker B: And this, this. And it's always about something that is so like painfully obvious and he says that after it's like, don't look at it, just do it. You're a head coach. I know you have a clip, so. [00:22:24] Speaker A: If you, yeah, yeah. Here we go. Mister Sala, why not give Braylon a carry there? I know Breese has done a lot of things. [00:22:31] Speaker B: It just didn't seem like his day. And Braylon looks like he's kind of built for that situation at the 1 yd line. [00:22:36] Speaker F: For sure. Definitely something we can look at. But it was still kind of early when that play came about. And like I said, we're always going to lean on Breese. He's our workhorse back. And Braylon started to get a little bit, got a few more carries as the game went on. Always something to look at, but we don't, it's definitely something. [00:22:57] Speaker A: No, it's not something to look at. It's something to do. [00:23:00] Speaker B: It is something that you question. He didn't even seem like he was remote. He said the same thing four times. [00:23:06] Speaker A: It's, it's, no, it's not early in the game. You're at the 1 yd again, this is, goes back to what I was saying when I was, I gave him my game bowl. It's just like you are, you just do not know your personnel. You do not make adjustments. It's like you make a plan and you, you stick to it and you just breeze didn't have it today for whatever reason. For whatever reason. Maybe he, they are running backs who are not good in the rain. Right there. That's, that's a given. Like, some running backs are never comfortable and you know, you should know that. You know what I'm saying? Like, this isn't the first time he's played in the rain. Um, if he's not having it, why not give Brayling a shot and then you bring him in and then you try to get cute with a, with a, with a rollout in a pass play. Like, it's just, we're trying to outsmart ourselves, and we consistently look foolish. We got out. Coach Sean Payton and the Broncos waited out. Wait it out. We were, we were play. Our play calling was like, we were down by two touchdowns. It was past heavy, past heavy in the rain where we were struggling. It wasn't just, you know, them. We were struggling also. And then, you know, we, we decide. We, we decide that we were going to let Aaron Rogers throw the ball 42 times. And, you know, that's, that's. That was a decision that was made today in the rain, in the turret. Like, it was raining. I was there and it was raining consistently the entire game. The entire game. It's just frustrating, man. It's absolutely frustrating. [00:24:40] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, it's not much to say. Um, there. Yeah, they're. Yes. Their rushing attack wasn't working with, with Brees. I think, to some extent, like, throwing it a lot was a good call. But I think, to your point, with the conditions, the pivot that should have been made is run the ball with Alan more. See how that goes anytime they did. Like, you know, he wasn't amazing, but, like you said, 4.1 yards per attempt in this kind of game is, like, nothing to be upset with. [00:25:12] Speaker C: Right. [00:25:13] Speaker B: He should have gotten a lot more opportunities, not only at the goal line, but throughout the game. And that maybe could have at least, like, neutralized that pass rush just enough and made life a tiny bit easier on Rogers. But they didn't do that. Didn't do any of it. [00:25:28] Speaker A: And that's. And that's the thing, right? Your star players are supposed to help step up. Your star players are supposed to help your quarterback. And that is the perfect segue to our second quarter. Bruce hall didn't have it today. He's been uneven, you know, sort of start the season and then Garrett, Garrett, man, who he's. I don't know. We. We might have a Garrett problem. Let's. That's perfect segue. Let's. What is going on with Bris and Garrett? Look, coming into the year, we all expected monster seasons out of breeze. Hall and Garrett Wilson. They are our two best offensive playmakers without a shadow of a doubt. Outside of Aaron Rodgers, they are the players he is supposed to lean on and he's supposed to rely while he's, quote unquote, shaken off the rust and kind of coming back from injury. It's not supposed to be, oh, well, breeze doesn't have it. We don't have the offense. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's not supposed to be that Allen Lazard is not supposed to be Aaron Rodgers first read in his progressions. Every time. Every time. It felt like Alan Lazard was his first read every single time. What would, tell me what, what were your impressions from the lack of performances from both Brice hall and Garrett today? [00:26:49] Speaker B: Yeah, I think we can start with, with Garrett Wilson. We've talked about this a little bit the last few weeks. I think it continued to crop up in this game quite a bit of just like, it seems like Garrett and Aaron Rodgers, like, don't have that chemistry yet. Like, that's interesting. And we kind of thought it would have gotten there by now not just from like the preseason and the practices, but, you know, now they've, you know, they've got three, four games under their belt and it's, it still like, looks just as off as it did in the first week and it, it, that doesn't seem to be getting better. And it's just really interesting. And I understand that breeches or Garrett's gone up against like, a really great run of, of cornerbacks, but, like, you're a number one receiver. Like, that's part of the game, you know, who doesn't get, like, stopped by number one cornerbacks? Justin Jefferson. I know Jeff Jefferson had some words kind of about Garrett recently, but, like, just Jefferson every week beats whoever is thrown at him and puts up monster numbers. And Garrett Wilson, you know, you, you thought after having thousand yard seasons with the worst quarterback play in the NFL, not even hyperbole, they're like literally the worst quarterback play that he was going to have a huge year with Rogers. And I guess that's why you have to play the real games. And, like, sports are not like a video game. Cause in a video game you're putting up 15, 1800 yards here and just like, stupid numbers. But in, in real life, there's a lot more intricacies and Rogers is really like a tactician there. And the reason why his number one read is Alan Lazard is not because Alan Lazard's their best player. It's because Alan Lazard knows what Aaron Rodgers wants to do. And Garrett Wilson does not seem like he has any idea what Rogers likes or what he checks to or anything like that. The biggest moment, obviously, for him in the game was that second to last drive from midfield. I think it was a second or third down. And, you know, Wilson's like, open up the seam. Rogers throws it to him and Garrett never even turns his head around and the balls incomplete. And it's just like, yeah, yeah, you're like, what was that like, what is this miscommunication? Like, Rogers is clearly upset. Same thing happened on the next play with Xavier Gibson. But I, you know, I don't expect Xavier Gibson to know he's like their fifth receiver at this point, but, yeah. [00:29:20] Speaker A: It'S just, yeah, he, he actually went to Garrett on back to back plays on that drive. You know, he went to him on, on first and ten, incomplete pass, second and ten. That's, that's the weird, that's in. There's, there's, there seems to be a theme where there's always a one play that is just gross looking that they're, they're not only not on the same page, they are not on the same playbook. Like, Garrett Wilson looks awful, but I do not think it is a, it is a result of Garrett Wilson not knowing what is supposed to happen or him running the run routes. I think you hit, you hit the nail right on the head. Aaron Rogers likes to make a lot of changes. There's a lot of signals at the line of scrimmage. He, he motions receivers to try to determine whether it's, it's man man coverage or zone. And based on that, he makes decisions, he makes audibles, he makes changes, and sometimes they're just hand signals between him and lazard. My thing is, is if Garrett Wilson is your number one receiver, why aren't you having those communications with him? Coming up with signals, coming up with, with motions for him. Every time he would line up in the slot, it was a quick slant or a quick run. He never looked for him. He was open. And I'm curious to see tomorrow the stats, the separation stats, because it, for me, it felt like Garrett was open on at least, you know, two or three big passing plays that Aaron just, you know, passed up on going his way. And I get Patrick. Sir Tan was, was, is a formidable corner, but he only lined up on 28 of 40 of 46 routes versus Garrett Wilson, which is a little over 60%. There were times, especially down the stretch, where Sartin wasn't even lined up on Garrett. On those passing plays where he went to his way, he was lined up on Lazard because he knew that Lazard was probably the first read, which is probably why Rogers went to him on back to back passing place. But if you're not making an effort to develop that chemistry or getting, getting him in rhythm early on, by the time you go to him, he just doesn't appear to trust him. And that is a much larger problem, I think. [00:31:37] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, what we don't know, right, to your, you know, to what you're saying is we don't know what the conversations are in the building. We don't know what Rogers and Garrett have talked about or worked on together. And I, you know, I think it's up in the air to ask if, you know, is Rogers doing what he needs to do to get Wilson on the same page. I think the other question, just not knowing and, you know, looking at it at both sides, is Garrett Wilson doing the work? Not the physical work, but, like, the mental work, the homework, is he, did he come into this season thinking, like, well, Aaron Rodgers, the quarterback, now, this is going to be easy and things aren't going that way, and now he's starting to get frustrated. I think that's in play just as much as, like, what you said about Rogers. Maybe it's a little bit of both. Who knows? We don't know. I don't want to, like, wildly speculate. I think. I don't think Garrett Wilson's, like, being lazy, necessarily. But, you know, you have to wonder, this is a completely different situation than he's been in before. They've kind of been playing, like, backyard football the last few years, and he was still getting his numbers even though they weren't winning. And, yeah, it's, it's been really surprise. I don't think anybody expected this to be a big part of the Jet offense this season. It's, it's been really disappointing, and it's like, you kind of look at it and you're like, I'm not really surprised that they're two and two when their two biggest playmakers are not having good seasons. You know, we're talking about Garrett, but the other thing we have to talk about is, is breeze hall. Obviously, today was like a meltdown, blow up type game for him. He had dropped a couple passes. He only rushed for four yards, Mark said, like, 0.4 yards per attempt, which is kind of wild. He only made, like, two catches for 14, like, really ineffective. He, he whiffed a few, uh, pass blocks. He had two false starts as a running back, which is crazy. Like, totally insane kind of game for him. But even if you look at the weeks before, you know, not that he's been abjectly bad, but when you think about the fact that this was a guy that people were saying, like, this might be the best running back in the league next to Christian McCaffrey, you know, number, like, number one, number two pick in people's fantasy drafts, like, another guy who had a huge year last year coming off the ACL with Zach Wilson and Tim Boyle and Trevor Simeon at quarterback. And, you know, he was averaging less than 60 rushing yards a game coming into this game. And, yeah, he's been splitting up time with, with Allen. He's been used as a pass catcher a lot, but still, it's just like, even in the games leading up to this, you were like, oh, he hasn't really, like, hit it yet. I, and today, it really just kind of, like, melted down. And that has also been, like, really curious. And he, he said after today's game, which I felt was interesting and, like, not a super positive way, was that he said he's the focal point of most defenses. I've heard also say that recently. [00:34:48] Speaker A: Yeah, I actually have that bite. Let me, let's play it, and then we can react to it. [00:34:53] Speaker B: It's been a little tough sledding where you haven't gotten a fully going yet. I mean, what do you think that's a result of? Is it just loaded boxes, like, keying. [00:35:02] Speaker D: In on, you know, I wish I could tell you, bro, like, you know, everybody, like, my teammates know how much I put into it, and I know how much they put into it as well. So, you know, for me personally, I just try to go out and just do my 111 debit play, and, you know, unfortunately for me, I haven't, you know, have been having a big rushing games and, you know, stuff like that, but I just try to do my part, do my part in the past pro, do my part and play fix, communicating with Aaron, communicating with the o line, and if I got to be in the receiving game. So, you know, obviously, I wish I could run for 100, 200 yards every game, but realistically, like, right now, you know, I'm the focal point of most defenses, so it's just really not, not happening. [00:35:44] Speaker A: I mean, that's, that's, that's just a complete lack of self awareness, I think. I mean, that's just, just struggling for answers. He just doesn't have the answers. And, and as opposed to coming out and saying, I played a shitty game, I did not have it today, we'll look at the tape. We will figure it out. You know what I'm saying? Like, give me, give me the, the typical jock answers. Don't, don't go up there, and that's a lack of media training, but don't go up there and try to speculate and try to come up with an answer all the time of your head. [00:36:17] Speaker B: Yeah, and I'm not going to, like, crush him for it, but I. There's. Is a part of me that's like, okay, well, if Bries is saying he's the focal point of the defense and Garrett saying he's the focal point of the deep, I'm like, you can't all be the focal point of defense. Also, you're the best players. Like, that's. That's how it works. And the best players are the best because they do well and succeed when they are the focal points, and they're just so good that they can overcome that. And, yeah, I think part of this is, like, again, on the coaching. Like, I don't think this is a coaching staff you can rely on to, like, scheme these dudes to success. Um, I I thought that this, like, east west rushing approach they had in the game and the rain made absolutely no sense at all. Uh, I thought they should have been trying a little bit more like downhill running. Um, but at the end of day, it's like, you know, it's the players and there's something off with both of these guys, and I think it's like, different things are off with them. You know, Garrett, it's more of, like, this, like, mental aspect of the game. With. With priest, I'm really not sure what it is. I almost feel like it's harder to figure out what's going on with him. Maybe it's just a few bad games or a few off games and one really, really bad one. I'm not really sure, but it's. [00:37:31] Speaker A: I completely disagree. I don't think it's a mental thing with Garrett. Um, I don't think. I think it's a mental thing with breeze. I think it's a. It's a. It's a complete lack of confidence. And he's not. He's not seeing the lanes properly. He is not running with, um, with a decisiveness. He's almost like, in his head. Um, whenever he gets the ball, you. You see him. That burst, that burst that we used to see from him is never there. And it's because he never hits the top gear. He's never seen the lanes quickly enough because he's still trying to figure things out. And I think it's just. They're asking him to do too much. I think they're overwhelming breeze, because they are involving him so much in the passing game. There. There. He had five targets today out of the backfield. Right. And it's difficult when you are not being spelled and you're asking him to do too much. He's still, you know, a relatively young player. You know what I'm saying? Like, he, he is clearly not having it and, and it's just a vision thing. It's a vision thing because when you see Braylon come in, he sees the hole, he hits it and he plows right through and he's physical. And that doesn't mean that Braylon Allen is a better football player than Bruce hall. That, that is not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is that I think you have it the other way around. And I think brieftain the, is the problem is mental, is the problem that you're asking him to do too much. And if he thinks he's the focal point of this offense, that means he is spending a lot of time doing a lot of like, machinations in his head in terms of what his role is. We are, are going to be a pass first offense. Aaron Rodgers is, is, is. No, it's going to be the focal point of our offense. It's going to be Aaron Rogers in our passing game. Um, it's supposed to be supported by our running game. But right now, our running game has, has kind of whiffed and has been struggling the last few weeks. And I think that's, that's not only on breeze, but also on the coaching staff. Garrett, man, I wish I could figure out what, what's wrong with Garrett. I think he looks worse, but it's not him. You know, like, it's not him not figuring things out. I think it's just, they're just not on the same page. And what that means is, is that you, you call a play, right? You call a play, you run a route and your receiver is supposed to run a route and he is going to rely on the quarterback to, to know where he's going. Aaron Rodgers just operates differently. He, he sees the defense. He, he knows what route you're running, but he's almost like trying to get the ball out of his. He predetermines where he's going. And like, you know, like the, the. He tried to predetermines based on what he's seeing and what he's reading. And unfortunately, despite the fact that, that, that Garrett had eight, you know, eight targets today, those targets were, were, were not drive extenders. They were not crucial targets. They were not like, plays where you would see him. I, in our new, in your newsletter, I immediately thought that this was the game where, where Garrett was going to take advantage of Mike Williams, spelling him on the defense. And then just exploding. I really thought that he's going to get treated like a true wide receiver, but, hey, shows how much we know. Any last thoughts before we move on to our next subject? I know we, we kind of went long on this one, but, um, it's just we're, we are seeking answers just as they are as well, I guess. [00:41:19] Speaker B: Yeah, I think, you know, you, you did bring up the rushing attack overall not being quite what we thought it was. I think that does kind of lead into, into our next segment quite well indeed. [00:41:33] Speaker A: Uh, let's, uh, I mean, tough. Listen, listen, the offensive line had a, had a game today to forget. Let's keep the blame game going, though, with a unit that we really didn't expect to be critical of after today. But let's discuss the jets offensive line in the third quarter of our show. The one big question we were expecting, the continued progression that we've been seeing for the first couple of weeks from the offensive line. The one big question mark was all of a Sean who stepping in at right tackle a little bit about what you saw and what were your impressions, the overall performance of the offensive line today? [00:42:18] Speaker B: Bad. It was bad. I think that's the non analytical analysis was. Yeah, it was bad. First full game without Morgan Motors. Moses, we had olus first start. He definitely like struggled at times. He should. He had a couple good reps, but you had a lot of ones where he really struggled. Of the five false starts that the jets had today, obviously two were from hall, but three were from the offensive line. And the pass, as bad as the run blocking was, the pass protection was really bad. Worst we have seen all year. Five sacks and 14 quarterback hits for your 40 year old quarterback in the rain. And it didn't cost them. Cost them. But it, you came close because Rogers started limping in like the second or third to last drive of the game. He was asked about after the, he did finish the game. He was asked about it by the reporters. He said he's okay. We'll see how that goes in a week when they go to London. You know, people were speculating maybe it was his hamstring, but yeah, the, the ol was, was really, really bad today in a way that I really did not expect because, you know, we talked about Denver and our bonus pod, like really good pass defense in terms of like their secondary, but they're not this huge pass rushing team or this like defensive line that's going to eat you up like the 49 ers are. So for that to have happened today, it was, it was really surprising and could have gotten Rogers even more banged up than he was, which, you know. [00:44:05] Speaker A: Again, Lee goes back to the question of the play calling decisions. Right. You are starting a rookie right tackle. It's raining. And I know we, you know, we have the confidence, all the confidence in the world on Aaron, but to ask him to pass the ball 42 times with a leaky offensive line who was struggling as the game was going on is just asinine. Is just completely asinine. And then we were just, we were calling in the second half, we were calling plays like we were down by two touchdowns and we needed to score quickly. We were, we became a one dimensional offense. We became what we were hoping to do to the Broncos and what they were, for the pretty most, for the most part, they were a running game. They were barely passing it. They were just throwing a couple of deep balls to keep us honest, but they did that to us and we blinked first. Right. We blink first with our play calling because we, we abandoned the running game that was not working. I get it and I get it, but you don't just totally abandon it in the rain and you just all of a sudden start passing the ball. You saw a lot of miss, a lot of under thrown balls from Aaron Rodgers. The hamstring was clearly bothering him in between series. He was trying to stretch it on the sideline. You see that and you still don't say, hey, you know, let's just, you know, couple. Call a couple of more run plays. Let's just. [00:45:24] Speaker B: At that, at that point in the game, you couldn't. There was like two minutes left. [00:45:28] Speaker A: Well, what about the series before here? Let's go. The series before, when there were still five minutes left, we called, he called eight pass plays and two run plays when they were still over. Five minutes left in the game and you're seeing your quarterback stretching his legs in between passing plays in the huddle. You know what I'm saying? Five minutes left when you were just down a point, that's not the time to abandon the running game. And you're seeing your quarterback struggle with under thrown balls, consistently under thrown balls, missing wide open receivers. He was not playing well in the second half. Right. And again, you don't get creative. You don't give me a screen pass. You don't, you don't bring in the two back set. That's. You don't. You. You just trust that Aaron Rodgers is going to get you over the hump and you don't have the balls to say, hey, no, like, let's just figure this out and not become a one dimensional offense that allows the Broncos to come back and sit and just rush their front forward. They. Which were, they were getting there anyway. Pashado played us a better second half, but he was getting cooked in the first half. And it's just, it's just. Listen, man, I was, I was confused as to the decision making. Uh, the second to last possessions, five passes to run plays. Like, we just completely abandoned the running game. Like, it was just. No, no outside runs. No, no, no. Give me a toss play. Give me something. Give me a screen pass to not let them pin their, tear their ears back and just come after the quarterback. They had. They, they did a design rollout. Maybe Aaron call that on his own, but they did a design rollout where Aaron Rodgers ran, ran the ball for like eight yards. Like, like, it just doesn't make sense. Like, they, it's, they don't comprehend that he's a 40 year old quarterback and they're, like, being so short sighted, man. I don't know. [00:47:16] Speaker B: Yeah. And I think it's a testament of, like, the biggest issue at play here, that in, you know, each, each of our quarters and our segments, we're talking about certain aspects of the game, but in both segments that weren't about the coaching, they ultimately kind of turned back into the coach. Like, that's how bad the coaching was in this game and leading up to this game. And, and, yeah, like, one thing, and this has nothing to do with the offensive line, but just like you said, keeping them on screens. Uh, why'd you draft malachi corley in the third round? And why were you so pumped about it? Because they're like, weekend at bernieing this guy. Like, is this guy still around that d play today? I I don't remember ever seeing him. Uh, I'd like to see him over Xavier Gibson at this point, who I. Other than being fast, I don't think he really does much for you at this point. Cause you're not running any gadgety type plays for him. [00:48:08] Speaker A: We're just. Again, listen, man, like, if you, we seem to struggle recognizing when our team is, is not doing well, and if your offensive line is struggling in pass protection, if your quarterback has already been hit 14 times and you are not doing anything, give me heavy personnel, give me jumbo packages, bring in the tight ends. You know what I'm saying? Like, experiment with a fullback. Give me something. Give me something to help out the offensive line. Give me a gadget play, give me a jet sweep where you bring in malachi corley or Xavier Gibson. You know, I'm saying like, do something, try something else. It's like that meme, the guy, like, poking, like, do something. Like, come on, do something different instead of you just having a game plan. I honestly think that they were expecting the rain to subside and they were expecting to always go past heavy in the second half regardless of what the score was. I, because the, the weather forecast was the rain was gonna pass and then the second half is gonna be. And I feel like, and I, in my, my core, I feel like they just predetermined. Oh, second half, the weather's gonna be better. We're just gonna go past and regard. We felt like we were down two touchdowns. It was a one point game. Like, what the fuck are we doing? Yeah, like, man, dude, it's fucking, it's frustrating. [00:49:28] Speaker B: Like, it's. It's frustrating. We're definitely going to get that explicit rating for this episode. Anytime we, anytime the jets lose in painful fashion, it's going to. It's going to probably be something like this. Sorry to that one guy who yelled at us after our first episode, but maybe earmuffs this one. But, yeah, one thing just to kind of bring it back to the offensive line before we kind of start to wrap things up and go to the last quarter is, you know, I was watching intermittently some of the post game comments. One of the ones that I did see was Lijah Varia. Tucker was talking about the offensive line performance and, like, he did say, like, they have to be better. He gave Denver their credit, but, like. [00:50:12] Speaker A: He said, our ass. [00:50:13] Speaker B: We played our asses off. I don't want to hear that shit. And it's like, I don't want to get on players for, like, cherry picked quotes after games. I do think that that's kind of lazy. And you take things out of context and you, you get mad at things. Like, we're not in a good mood. So I do want to kind of, like, say that. However, it does, like, take you back to the idea that these players are not really held accountable and that Robert Sala is, again, too nice. And, like, I don't want to hear, like, well, we, like, oh, breeze hall, what do you say after the game? Like, well, I was trying hard. Avt said, well, we, we played really hard. It's like, cool. Thank you for doing the bare minimum of being a professional athlete. You played like shit. I need you to say, like, we need to be better. Like, I. Hold yourself accountable. Hold each other accountable. And. Yeah, and again, it's like, turns into a thing about the coaching, but it, like, that's the thing. And I, again, I don't want to freak out about, like, individual quotes, but I think the overlying theme of that is the bigger issue than, like, Elijah Vera Tucker said this one thing. [00:51:27] Speaker A: I'm sorry. If you allow five sacks and 14 quarterback hits, you did not play your asses. You did not play your asses. Or maybe you, you thought you did, but you did not. It's just not. Your quarterback is limping. Your 40 year old quarterback is limping, and you think that you guys did a good job. I mean, listen, I'm all about being. Looking for the silver linings and stuff, but that's not what I want to hear. Cut that. Like, no, just say, we need to do better. Give me that. Make me feel better. We need to do better. We're going to play harder. We're going to look at the tape. And again, we talked about, and I brought this up, week one, but what is going on when they're watching the game tape? Like, what is going on? Are people getting yelled at? Are people getting called out? I just don't. I just don't. Don't see it. I don't. And I don't know what it is, man. It's got to be. It's got to be the. Listen, we. This. Our show is going off the rails. Our show is going off the rails. We. We set a plan, and we're deviating from the plan, and we're not adjusting very well because we're frustrated. We're frustrated, and I'm sure a lot of fans are feeling the exact same way. And the only thing that, that made everything worse, honestly, rich, was seeing Zach Wilson smug ass on the fucking sideline, just with a giant grin on his face, just, like, handing jackets and towels to people. And he was just like, oh, you know, you guys thought I was the problem, but, but, yeah. And look, it doesn't get any easier. It doesn't get any easier. You know, the only thing that makes a 40 year old quarterback feel better is traveling to London and playing in a completely different time zone. Well, that being said, why don't we look ahead to the suddenly red hot Vikings in the Sam Darnold revenge game coming up next week? Oh, man. I don't know about you, but, like, traveling across, you know, into international, going, going overseas is just makes your body feel really good. Makes you, like, after playing a crappy game in the rain and getting your ass knocked into the ground several times. How do you, how do you think our 40 year old quarterback, Aaron Rodgers is gonna, gonna fare next week? [00:53:48] Speaker B: I mean, I, I think it'll be fine. Like, these guys are used to these trips and, you know, at least they're on, like, a private jet. You know, they're not flying jetblue. Yeah, they're not flying spirit airlines. Shout out spirit. It's like, oh, like, where's my uniform? It's like, well, you didn't pay for carry on, lug. [00:54:10] Speaker A: That's extra, Aaron. [00:54:11] Speaker B: That's extra. But is it ideal? No, but they'll be, in that respect, I think they'll be fine. You know, they have the full week. You know, there's no, like, short weeks kind of stuff, so that's fine. I think the bigger thing is just like, this is the best. Maybe this is the best team they've played so far. [00:54:37] Speaker A: Like, no, definitely. [00:54:38] Speaker B: I mean, seeing what the Niners are still, like, I still think eventually the Niners will have, will be the best team that the jets have probably played all year, at least, like, from the NFC side. But the Vikings are four and, oh, man, they, they almost blew a huge lead today, but they didn't over the Packers. Jordan loves first game back, but Donald was really good again today. He threw for almost 300 yards, had three touchdowns a pick. I think he fumbled as well, but his passer rating was like almost 125. Yeah. So, like, really good, which is even better than he's been all year, which he's been quite good. I think his passer rating coming into this game was like 112, something like that, which is like mvp type shit. Overall this year, I believe he's now up to eleven touchdowns with three picks. And you can look at the Steelers schedule, right, and be like, oh, this team has played literally nobody. Uh, you cannot say that about the Vikings. Yeah, they played the Giants, who? The Giants are not as bad as we thought, but they're still, like, bad. [00:55:51] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:55:52] Speaker B: But since then, they have played the 49 ers beat them, the Texans beat them, and the packers with Jordan love beat him, too. Yeah, they look really good. I'm not confident going into this game specifically because of, obviously, how this week went against a crappy Broncos team. Two things that would make me feel a little bit better are, one, you are coming off such a bad loss that it would be hard to imagine that they would be less focused after this. Uh, you know, maybe they were feeling themselves a little too much after, like, beating up on a crappy patriot team and thought they were going to win this game easily, and this is just a team that still needs to learn how to win. Maybe, uh, they're coming off a really, really, really, really bad loss, so I would have to think that they're going to go come prepared. Doesn't mean that they're going to win. And this is the toughest matchup for this offense, and it's very different for this. Uh, excuse me, for the defense. Uh, it's a very different matchup for the defense, too, because they have been facing run first teams all year. You know, Brock Purdy didn't throw a ton in that game. You got killed by that backup running back because mostly because of the scheme against the Titans. Levis likes to run first, and you had Taj Spears in that game and Pollard, obviously. And then the last two games you had, like, reminder, Stevenson, everybody thought he was going to run all over the jets. That didn't quite work, but that's the game plan. They really don't throw the ball at all. Yeah, and then you had the Broncos who Bo Nick's through for 60 goddamn yards today. They don't like to throw the ball either. The Vikings are a totally different beast. Like, they, yeah, they have Aaron Jones in the backfield. He's been, like, pretty solid for them, but they are a pass first offense. They're explosive. They're throwing the ball down the field like, it's not the Sam Darnold that you remember. This is not the Sam Darnold from the Pantherse from the jets or even from the Niners when he spelled Brock purdy a few times. Like this totally different dude right now. And it's going to be a challenge. It's going to be different in a weird way. Like, it kind of plays to the jets defensive strengths a little bit more that they're not going to have to worry about the run so much. But, you know, Justin Jefferson against sauce is, that's going to be probably the toughest matchup that sauce has ever had in the, in the pros. So that's going to be interesting. And the one thing I will say that does make me feel a little bit better is this is really the first time all year that the jets are going up against the defense that's not, like, totally dominant. I think they've had a weird run of going against, like, really good defense. Like, maybe the Patriots defense is going to wind up sucking. They're getting beat up again today by a really niners team. So not super fair evaluation, but, you know, Nia's defense really, really good. Titans defense looks, like, pretty good. The Broncos defense, they're not as good as they were today, but, like, pretty good. You know, Vikings not quite the same, and they don't have, like, this, like, shut down corner, either. So I don't want to hear excuses for Garrett Wilson. So, in some ways, it's like, okay, you feel a little bit better just because it's going to be a. A different matchup that the jets have had in the first month of the season, but it's also their toughest assignment, and I don't know how to feel about it. This might be the first game that I picked them to lose all year. I need to kind of, like, sit on for the week and see how I feel. Um, but, yeah, there's definitely some major challenges. It's not going to be easy for them. [00:59:34] Speaker A: Uh, I'm like you, man. I am. I am terrified about this game. I, um. The offense is formidable. Um, I, Justin Jefferson, pretty much kind of, you know, talk, like, is known to take over games. Is known to take over games in a way that I hope Garrett Wilson is. Is able to do, but it just. We haven't seen it. And I'm also terrified of Brian Flores, man. Yes, the numbers might not, might not say how dominant that defense is, but they are, they are tough, Mandy. They are tough, and they, they have exotic blitzes and exotic coverage packages that'll just confuse you. And I'm not, and I'm not thinking that, that Aaron's going to be overmatched, but I'm just, I'm just terrified. Look at what happened today. We went up against a decent pass rush, and we just became one dimensional. We became passers. They had three picks today. They had three picks. They're giving up. They've given up 59 points all season long, just a little over two touchdowns a game. And it's just like, they're fast, they tackle, they hit hard. They don't have, like, that, those name players the way, like, the Niners do or like, some other defenses or the way we do, but, like, look how our name players are performing and perform today. So ultimately, it does not matter. I am terrified of Brian Flores, who might be the best defensive coordinator in the league. And just, like, it's just weird that. [01:00:59] Speaker B: He'S never gotten a head coaching job is strange. [01:01:01] Speaker A: I mean, it's strange when you, you know, sue the NFL and you. When you. When you tell everyone that you, you know, like, your owner paid you money to lose games. My ruffles some feathers and people might, might, might be like, hey, let's not hire that guy. But he is a, he is a good coach, and I am, I am terrified, man. I am like you. I think this is the first time that my toxic positivity will prevent me from choosing the Jetse as, as the winners of this game. Why don't we bring in Mark and see? Let's just wrap today's depression session up, gentlemen. Mark, any final thoughts, man, before we, we wrap up for today? [01:01:45] Speaker C: I, like both of you, are very worried about this upcoming game. Sam Darnold revenge game. [01:01:54] Speaker A: Oh, lord. [01:01:55] Speaker C: I mean, the jets have not played a receiver like Justin Jefferson all season. Maybe there is no receiver like Justin Jefferson in the league, right? Certainly Justin Jefferson thinks he's not like Garrett Wilson. And based on how both, both player seasons have gone so far, I think he has a very good point. Yeah, I think Aaron Jones is kind of underrated right now. He had three of his four games. He's had over 90 yards rushing. How much of that is a product of how well they're throwing the ball, setting up the run? Who knows? But Aaron Jones is a really good running back. He had a bunch of really good seasons in Green Bay. Aaron Rodgers knows him very well. I think he's going to be a big focal point. I think he's probably more underrated than you guys are making him out to be. [01:02:50] Speaker A: I mean, it turns out, like, when you can pass the ball, it helps the running game, and when you can run the ball, it helps the passing game. Is weird how that works. [01:02:57] Speaker C: Synergy. It's like a weird thing. I don't get it. [01:03:01] Speaker A: Maybe somebody should, should tell our team that. Rich, any last thoughts, man, before we wrap up? [01:03:07] Speaker B: I mean, today just kind of sucked and, yeah, I, we've talked a lot. I've rambled plenty. I think I'm more discombobulated when the jets lose, it's total bummer. Hey, at least the Mets won today and at least paused their potential collapse. [01:03:29] Speaker C: And let's not forget the New York Liberty game one against the Aces. Let's go. [01:03:34] Speaker B: There we go. And the New York Knicks traded for Carl Anthony Town. So that was something. So not a great week for the jets. We'll see about the other teams. But, yeah, it, it sucks and it's humbling and it just kind of like, it's why it's hard for jets fans to move forward because it feels like every time you're about to, you get knocked back down in your ass. Maybe we look back on this moment in December and we're like, okay. That's when the jets really, like, kicked it into gear. Cause they realized they really have to go the extra mile for this thing. But I, in the moment, not knowing what's going to happen, you're afraid that the wheels are going to come off and we're just going to have to see what happens. [01:04:15] Speaker A: Yeah, man, listen, and the good thing is, is that after the Vikings, the schedule gets a lot easier. Buffalo, the Steelers, you know, the Patriots. [01:04:26] Speaker B: It's always in Pittsburgh, isn't it? [01:04:28] Speaker A: So, yeah, so should be a fun couple of weeks. Um, it's really going to test us. It's really going to tell us after this, this stretch where we are as a team. I like to always compare teams to, like, you know, live in organisms that evolve and grow and learn. Um, and we'll know a lot. We'll know a lot about our team in the next few weeks. Um, who. And, you know, you know, it's. Listen, who knows? We don't have a crystal ball. We feel like shit right now, but, um, you know, it is what it is. We hopefully this little depression session that we just had got a lot of things off our chest and we can kind of, you know, wipe the slate clean. We'll look at the tape, we'll figure out what we're going to do next week. But again, gentlemen, thank you very much for keeping me company. I am actually still drenched from the game. My pants are still drenched. Maybe that contributed to my just foul demeanor and to the shitty ass performance on the field at Metlife. But thank you again for helping out. Thank you again for producing this and, you know, just making me feel a little bit better getting it off my chest. And with that, we're going to wrap up the show. Thank you again from Roz, Rich and Mark. Thank you guys for listening. I hope we have a good week and then we'll pick it up next week. [01:05:45] Speaker B: Feel better, Uncle Scott. [01:05:47] Speaker C: Here we go. [01:05:51] Speaker B: Thank you for listening to just jets, the podcast. 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